Friday, June 5, 2009

This is how Brynnly entertains herself until Bryce wakes up...

She seriously can't wait until he wakes up in the morning and from his naps. She is always just waiting at his door until she hears him make any kind of a sound and then she rushes in their to get him. For a while she would always just sneak into his room and I would find her in his crib with him, but after mommy told her that Bryce NEEDS his sleep and she can't go into his room and wake him up, she has done such a good job of actually listening to me. I always laugh when I walk down the hall and see her just laying by his door.

I guess she can't wait until he wakes up because he is like her life sized doll and she can dress him up and make him do whatever she wants him too...

It is so nice when your kids actually start playing good together, I love it! It is so cute to hear their conversations and to see them having so much fun with one another.

oh, how I wish they could stay this size FOREVER! We are loving this stage of life with the kids and trying to soak up every last minute of enjoying time with these two before the third one joins us.

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